Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tracking Club: Join us Monthly!

Instructor: David Moskowitz,

Location: Tracking club is held on Saturday mornings from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. along the Skykomish River (meet at the Sultan Park & Ride by 8:45 a.m.)

Dates for 2009-2010: Saturdays: Sept. 19, Oct. 17, Nov. 21, Jan. 16, Feb. 20, Mar. 20, Apr. 17, and May 15. (NOTE: Tracking club is not held during the Summer, so May 16th is the last meeting until September).

Cost: $5 (free for Tracking Club members; see membership info. below)

What to bring? Dress for a morning outside and be sure to bring a pair of shoes that you don’t mind getting wet (knee high rubber boots are great!)

For a Detailed Description go to

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

MY Top 10 WoP (Women of Porn)

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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Opening her mind (and other parts)

I met Helen at a party. Someone had told me that she was divorced, with quite a settlement from her ex-husband. She was feeling good from some drinks when I was introduced to her.

Helen looked at me with a bemused smile, as if she couldn’t believe that a black man could have a Ph.D. and teach at a university. She asked something about whether I was blessed between the ears instead of between the legs like most men and laughed. I told her that perhaps she would find out for herself.

We continued to chat until Helen was ready to leave. I told her I would drive her home, and she accepted. At the house, she gave me her key to unlock the door, and we went in.

Once inside, I told her it was time for her to find out what I had between my legs. I led her to a sofa and sat down beside her, then unzipped and unbuckled my pants. Helen’s eyes grew wide when she saw my erection. Even in her inebriated condition, she appreciated the size of my cock.

I pulled her head down onto the shaft. She could only go partway down, but licked and sucked admirably until I shot a load into her mouth. When it was finished, I told her there was more where that came from, and she led me to her bedroom.

I fucked Helen for about an hour that night, coming twice inside her and leaving her with a gaping, leaking cunt. Helen and I had many more times together, sometimes with just the two of us and sometimes with a friend or two that I brought.

Friday, September 25, 2009


High energy wouldn’t even begin to characterize most photo shoots with kids under the age of, oh, who knows?  And these guys weren’t any exception.  Luckily mom and dad were cool to just let me hang out snapping away, catching some of the crazy and love and wonder.

Though big sis was happy to ham for the camera….



The day was really meant to be about this butter bean…..


Very occasionally a couple will ask me to get a pic of just them during a family photo shoot – and although it doesn’t come as naturally to me as photographing kiddos, I always love being able to get a few images of just mom & dad – both for them and for their children as they grow.


And boy does getting two kiddos this age to take a family pic get to be a whole lot of crazy (and usually funny) work!


Thanks you guys for a lovely time!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sasha Grey, por Terry Richardson

Estas fotos no sé de cuando son, ni para qué publicación fueron tomadas (bueno sí, Penthouse), y el caso es que no me importa lo más mínimo. Lo que sí importa es que fueron tomadas por Terry Richardson. Sasha Grey es una de las pocas canijas mundiales que me ponen. Y seguro que me pone tanto por esa cara de tomar apuntes en  clase de historia,  y a la vez estar  pensando en dos pollas dando vueltas en su boca.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

No Fake Porn For Me!

No Fake Porn For Me!

Most porn directors go further than I want to go, with girls I don’t want to know. This is why I will never shoot boy/girl porn.

The second reason is that I have met many of these girls that are doing hardcore B/G porn, and they freely admit that they never have real orgasms. The typical porn set is not the place for most girls to get off. There are far too many people and too much bullshit going on. That plus waiting for the director/camera man to set up the matching shot is an erection killer and time waster. Most girls know they can get away with screaming and moaning and no one will call them out for having a fake orgasm, as it is all fake to begin with. So, you get what you pay for, more fake porn.

If you want the real thing (beautiful pussy, having real orgasms), then Come Up to Beauty.

Ron Harris

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Responsibility Ain't Much Fun

I haven’t always been a responsible person. When I was in college, I racked up a lot of credit card debt charging Cluck-U and beer. I snuck out of the house and made  my poor parents crazy. I’ve gone without health insurance because it was just too expensive when I didn’t have job. There’s a lot more in the irresponsible vault, but we’ll stop there, as I’m sure you get the drift.

With age, comes wisdom and the understanding of responsibility. I learned to pay my bills on time and that all that extra money I was paying in late fees could go to cute new shoes.  I learned to give respect to get respect. And I will never go without health insurance, no matter how much I have to pay for it (even if I come full circle and go back into debt for it!). But in the midst of becoming the now responsible human  being that I am, I  wonder what good it has actually done for me.

Don’t get me wrong…I have a roof over my head, money in the bank, no debt and great friends and family. I even scored a job in this less stellar economy. But at the end of the day, when I take a long hard look at the big picture, being responsible hasn’t been all that fun.

While I was unemployed, I wanted to travel the world, take some of my time off to explore new and unchartered territory. I wanted to visit Greece and Paris, Amsterdam and Italy.  I wanted to just pick up, break my lease and live somewhere else - another state or something, just to see what it would be like to live outside of the only thing I have known – Jersey! Instead, I took Responsibility Road. I looked for jobs, honored my lease and took smaller, inexpensive trips. I did hit Cabo with some girlfriends, so don’t feel too bad!!

I’ve always tried to live my life with no regrets. I’ve always said, “I could die tomorrow, let’s just do this! What good is money if you’re not going to spend it?” And trust me, many times I do, and I really go the distance! But I look at what being responsible over the last few months has gotten me: a job outside my industry and passion, a husband so determined to work that hasn’t found a gig, a house that we bought that we could no longer purchase because we were jobless, passports waiting to be stamped with dreams of exploring what the world has to offer.

I know this is a stepping stone as we get older and a fact of life. It could be so much worse. I just miss the days of being a little less concerned about being so responsible!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Daisy Duxe and Tony Batman Host Stripperfest 6

Franklin, WI – On October 11, 2009 the biggest event in the Skindustry and in On The Border history will take place and it’s called “Stripperfest 6“!

Miss Daisy Duxe, Feature Sensation, XXX Pornstar and host of will again be hosting this years event with the help of adult personality Tony Batman, who is also the host of the A! Entertainment show ( and has appeared on several television shows with his comedic take on the adult industry. Guest Judges on hand will be Feature Entertainer, Elektra and The current Miss Nude Rising Star, Tawnie Monroe. Tawnie also won Stripperfest 3. Both Elektra and Tawnie Monroe reside in the Midwest when not touring the country with their Feature shows.

Over 20 of the hottest striptease artists in the Midwest will be appearing at the #1 club in the Midwest, with an all-star cast of hosts and judges. General admission tickets can be downloaded and printed for free admission at Present your down-loaded and home printed ticket at the door Sunday, October 11th and your general admission is free. General admission seats are first come first serve.

There will be several VIP Services offered, and they also can be reserved on a first come, first service basis. Please book your VIP area, table or bottle service early. If you would like VIP service please call On The Border at (404)801-5068 and ask for Brian or you can email

The doors open at 4:00 PM on Sunday, October 11th and the Stripperfest 6 begins shortly after. Get there early to get the best stage-side seats. The girls will explode onto the stage competing for “Queen of the Stage” first followed by the talented “Queen of the Pole” performers and the routines will alternate throughout the night to keep the stage energy exciting. Each category will be competing for a $1500 cash prize, giving the ladies a chance to win a total of $3000 cash.

On The Border is located at 10741 S. 27th Street in Franklin, Wisconsin. For more information, call (404)801-5068.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Kanye West is a Fucking Idiot

What the hell is wrong with him? [watch what I'm talking about here.] Why is Kanye West such an idiot? What was his purpose going up on stage spewing out worthless opinions about Beyonce? Taylor Swift did not deserve that, that was her moment and his black, ignorant ass had to go up there and ruin it.

“I am really happy for you, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time.”

Kanye West you ego-maniac, self-absorbed idiot!

It was her spotlight and he had to go stand all in it. I thought he would of learned his lesson by now. I know for a fact South Park is going to have a ball with him once again. He’s going to be a ego maniac, self absorbed gay fish now. Dude gets on the red carpet drunk as all get down, gets kicked out then pulls this shit on stage? “Circus-like atmosphere” is just putting it lightly for what this clown really is. Instead of apologizing on his blog he should of went to Taylor Swift and apologized to her directly.

This apology doesn’t matter at all. The fact still stands, Kanye West is a douche bag. I’m glad Beyonce did what she did though, because that was disgusting what Kanye did. He had no reason to be up onstage what so ever. There are people out there that make great videos besides Beyonce and I don’t even like her videos all like that. Kanye West is nothing but a damn baby with his childish ways. Its always something about him in the media, always. He don’t know when to keep his mouth shut and be civilized, he wants the spotlight to be only his. Kanye West is a fucking idiot.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Separarea continutului adult

De curand am citit aici ca, in sfarsit se va face ceva in privinta verificarii varstei si separarii continutului. Mai bine zis, pe baza unor cuvinte cheie si verificari, continutul ce tine acum de “adult” si e in sim cu “mature”, va fi mutat ,ori ownerii vor trebui sa eticheteze proprietatea ca fiind adult!

Un exemplu negativ din prezent este Free sex land, un loc unde se ingramadesc toti cei noi, pentur ca au auzit ei ca in SL se face si sex. Asa ca useri fara varsta verificata(chiar si minori poate) ajung intr-un loc cu continut explicit sexual, care mai are si eticheta de mature!

E o schimbare importanta, punctul sensibil constituindu-l verificarea varstei care se poate ocoli, de baza fiind cea cu credit cardul, sau prin contul de PayPal. Cat pentru Romania, orice adult isi poate face un credit card, fie ca munceste sau nu, nefiind nevoie sa fie folosit ca mod de plata( din discutii cu useri din SL, am aflat de frica lor de a fi nevoie sa il foloseasca neaparat ca instrument de plata), ci doar pentru verificarea varstei. Asa, ca adulti verificati, vor putea accesa continutul aferent varstei.  Linden Lab nu pastreaza datele userilor in format text, ci doar criptat si citit de sistem ceea ce ii intereseaza(varsta), asa ca nu e nici o teama in privinta asta, cel mai sigur ramanand verificarea prin PayPal(in caz ca va e teama de spargerea contului)

Inca se discuta cu userii si mici modificari au foast facute deja, cum ar fi filtrul de la Search, unde poti bifa sau nu “adult”, iar daca nu ai verificata varsta, nu e activ deloc. Ceea ce vor cei de la Linden Lab e ca fiecare rezident sa ajunga usor la ceea ce doresc si fara a deranja pe altii. De exemplu daca vei cauta ceva ce n-are nici o tenta sexuala, n-ai vrea sa se includa in ceea ce ai gasit si ceea ce nu vrei. Pentru ca fiecare are preferinte diferite, iar cei care prefera continutul adult sa aiba parte de el fara nici o discriminare, atunci cand regulile sunt respectate.

Aceste modificari nu vor afecta,deocamdata, TeenGrid(Second Life pentru cei sub 18 ani)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Replica Tin Toy Wind Up Lady Villager Carrying Goose MS501

This is a brand new made Tin Toy with wind up turning moving motion of the wheels. Size is 12 x 5.5 x 9cm

Replica Tin Toy Wind Up Lady Villager Carrying Goose MS501

The Sunday market is open and granny is going to be late. She grabs a basket and a goose and hurries to the market. Hope she can make before the market closes. Replica Tin Toy Wind Up Lady Villager Carrying Goose MS501  is now available at

What is Tin Toy??

Tin toy is great gift to granny as it is an old fashion toy. Although it can be for a child, adults will appreciate these items far more, and so adults are the ones whom these toys are really for. They are no impact-proof, wear resisting items like the modern plastic toys; instead they are made of metal sheet, and operate by a delicate wind up mechanism.  Just as some of us might remember them from our childhood, these items don’t stand up too well to use and abuse, and better belong to the display case, where they serve as reminder of our childhood.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Celebrity Seed: Bria Murphy

Bria Murphy, 19, to the left is Eddie Murphy’s daughter. Bria is spoiled and looks more like her daddy. I know Bria from working at the gift boutique. For Christmas Bria was so lucky to write a list of the things she wanted and Eddie would buy every single item on that list. If I can recall correctly, two years ago, Bria got a new car!

The Murphy’s have potential for a reality show! It seems like mom Nicole, is probably already on top of that!
